Friday, January 02, 2009

Choosing an ISP

by Computertim Technologies


ISP getting slower by the day? Tech support isn't responding to your requests? It may be time to choose a new ISP.

This How-To Article is a short guide to what you should consider when choosing a new ISP.

Choosing an ISP

Be sure of what type of Internet service you need. If you're going to switch now and you want a faster connection, see if Cable or DSL Internet is available in your area.(Related Articles: High-Speed Internet Connections - Microsoft Windows 95/98Learn About Broadband Internet Connections - General Articles)

Do you need more than one E-mail account? Many ISPs now offer more than one E-mail address with their service. Check with the ISP before you sign up, if you need more E-mail addresses.

Sometimes the big ISPs like AOL and MSN are not always the best choice. Both have rated low on user-satisfaction tests at times. Try to find an ISP that serves just your region, state, or area if possible. Many people have seen fast connections and better tech support with these companies.

Before you sign up for an ISP, ask if they offer several local access numbers (if you have chosen a dial-up Internet service). It is important to have several numbers you can use in your local calling area just in case one or more is busy. (Write down these numbers and keep them in a safe place, so you can easily reference them.)

Once you sign up for your ISP, be sure to find out access numbers, E-mail server information, logins, and any special settings. Make a note of this information so you can restore it if your settings are lost.

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