Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Tips to improve / optimize speed Internet access

Optimization of internet access

One way to increase internet access is set / or optimize the configuration settings in the Windows Operating System such as. Although they can vary because of internet access is also influenced by many factors, such as software, hardware, busy traffic on the network and use the other.

For Windos Operating System, we can adjust some settings in the registry or use some of the optimization software is available. Here are some that can be done to improve / optimize Internet access.


Monday, January 05, 2009

SUPER the most complete free audio video converter

Some time ago I wrote about WinFF, Freeware (opensource) Video Converter (flv, avi, asf, 3gp, etc.), can be read, here. In fact there are other software that also use the encoder (conversion multimedia files) and renderer (play multimedia files) the same, plus a variety of other facilities so that more complete. Namanya SUPER (Simplified Universal Player encoder & Renderer. A GUI to ffmpeg, MEncoder, mplayer, x264, mppenc, ffmpeg2theora & the theora / vorbis RealProducer plugin).


Tips to get Free Norton Internet Security 2009

NIS 2009

Continuing the previous article, about how to get Norton Antivirus 2009 freeand without a valid crack or keygen (which may cause the application is not stable or update failed), this time will be discussed on how to get Norton Internet Security 2009 is also valid, not only 360 days, but can be up to 460 days.

Norton Internet Security 2009 includes Norton Antivirus 2009 with a variety of additional features to secure the PC to use of internet or in the network. So many more features and more complete than the 2009 nav.


4 Free Software Record Summary Screen ( ScreenRecording)
By ebsoft

Screen Recording

Currently, quite a lot of tutorial (learning) things about the computer that is displayed in video format. Any activity recorded in a computer screen, including voice (audio) and then the results can be stored and viewed as a normal video, making it easier for others to learn.

The process of recording activity on a computer screen often known by the term Screen Recording. How do we make such a video? Next dijeaskan about 4 free program (freeware) to record the activity screen (screen recording).


Sunday, January 04, 2009

Open Source Applications Office, Open Office 3.0
written by Ebta

OpenOffice 3.0

If we follow the development of the IT news, not this old, dated 13 October 2008 OpenOffice.org release best products, the OpenOffice 3.0. OpenOffice may be the only application of open source equivalent to Microsoft Office (in terms of comprehensiveness and ability). In this version there are lots of improvements, additional facilities and various other interesting features


License Free Avira Antivirus and Premium Security Suite
Written by Ebta

Avira license

I never get information about how to obtain a license Avira Antivir Premium for 3 months. But at this time has expired. Recently there is a friend of the campaign of license free Avira Antivir and Avira Antivir Premium Security Suite for 3 months.

Although only 3 months, but no one in use, considering Avira Antivirus including one with the ability to detect which is good. Then there is the premium version and security suites, including the free edition? Next more


A new look for Windows XP
written by Ebta

Transformation for XP

For those who use Windows XP and may feel bored with such a view, at this time a variety of programs available that can change almost all display windows. When the show earlier Windows Vista, with the popular view Vista, so it appears the software such as Vista Transformation Pack.

Has not been long planned to show windows 7, and Windows XP users can also feel the look of Windows 7 this without having to install Windows 7 itself. We can also change the look into Ubuntu Linux XP or Mac OS X.


The Linux filesystem explained

By Mayank Sarup <mayank@freeos.com

The first thing that most new users shifting from Windows will find
confusing is navigating the Linux filesystem. The Linux filesystem 
does things a lot more differently than the Windows filesystem.
This article explains the differences and takes you through the 
layout of the Linux filesystem.


Linux for Home Users

Introduction to Linux:

It’s a free operating system available to download but you have to pay a tiny bit to mail order it or buy it from a company. Linux came into being about 11 years ago- it was developed by Linus Torvalds of Finland along with a group of programmers from the open source software movement.

Linux is growing steadily year after year. With a passionate community backing it, with big companies Like IBM and HP pledging their support for it, it’s no wonder Linux- the wonder operating system for servers of the past, has also made it to the desktops of today.

Linux is based on the commercial OS, UNIX. All the operating systems try to pack in command line management of systems. System administrators of companies use command lines all the times as their lifeline, but it’s not really meant for regulars users.

Tips for Home Users:

If you want to get comfortable with Linux, you don’t have to let go of windows. Get Linux installed on a separate partition and you can switch between Windows and Linux. For new users who don’t have any computer background learning windows or Linux both takes same time and sitting. It is suggested that new PC buyers should get both operating systems installed and should use them equally. If you’re getting Linux for more than 2-3 PCs, you can also get training and support at a small free, if you choose to have it. Else it’s the Linux community on the Net to your rescue. You don’t have to be a great computer user to work with Linux. There are Desktop environments that let you work in Linux as you work in Windows. As you work with windows, same is the case with Linux.

Linux hands in decreasing PC prices.

PC prices are already on their way down. And you get more choice with operating systems and applications. From being an OS only computer professionals had heard about, Linux, in a short time, has made a transition into the lucrative and high profile home PC segment.

The PCs bundle the operating system. Linux being a free open source operating system means that the code that runs is open for everyone to see, work with, modify and develop their own innovative applications for it. But this is nothing compared to the money people spend on Operating Systems like windows. And a company bundles Linux and applications based on it with a computer, quite a bit of the PC cost comes down. Presently some branded PC’s coming with Linux are available for Rs: 25000/- (US$600)onwards.

Linux is better than other OS

Linux users won’t even bat an eyelid before they say an emphasis comes from a deep dislike of Microsoft’s practice of changing the earth for software. But a lot of it comes from the fact they are ready to swear upon-that Linux is more stable. According to a latest survey Web Hosts are using Linux Based Servers for hosting purposes.

One note here though: the free in Linux stands for freedom of choice, to redistribute, to install a feature, freedom to modify the source code. That’s the spirit of Linux being free.


Linux has a better security support for multi-users, lets you set up a stable server, internet gateways etc, and still lets it-self to be used as a desktop workstation. There are no blue screens and no viruses to speak of. It is rarely attacked by any viruses and there are very less number of viruses written for Linux. It can be given 10+ points on a 10 point scale for security.

Myths about Linux


Linux is hard to install, isn’t it? Not really. Most people haven’t ever installed Windows on their computers either-since it comes preloaded. Linux is as easy-some say easier-to install compared to Windows. You can install it through a graphical user interface like Windows. These days Linux Versions are easier to install than Windows. But what really stumps most people in installing Linux on a second partition on their hard disk, when they want to be able to use both operating systems.

A partition is a way of organizing space on your hard disk by creating virtual sections that are separate from each other. Most computers that are running Windows or MS DOS have one large chunk of space holding the OS. This space is the C drive. If you have a large hard disk, it’s likely that it has been divided up into smaller bits called partitions to help you organize your data better. These partitions are usually called D:, E: etc. you could have Linux on any of these.

Windows 98 creates a file system called FAT32 on the entire hard disk, DOS and Win95 use FAT16. Linux has many file systems-on the most popular is ext3. But you could have Linux installed on Fat32 partitions also.

Linux is very difficult and based on text command

Linux has come a long way from being the system of brilliant computer users. It has extremely advanced X Windows systems that have a complete graphical user interface-you know, like Windows. It also has a large number of window manager that let you work with different levels of customization of your desktop.

Linux has a robust character-cell interface where commands need to be typed in. x Windows is a free program that runs with Linux to provide a GUI where the mouse and keyboard can be used extensively. But the X system itself is quite primitive and needs a window manager, or a desktop environment- like GNOME or KDE- to be really usable. Window managers are programs that let you interact with the underlying X system and Linux OS by relaying commands. The popular window managers are Sawfish, Enlightenment, Black box, after step and Window maker.

As for desktop managers, they have their own window manager and other tools that make you feel that you are working in Window! GNOME and KDE are the most popular of these. GNOME stands for GNU Network Model Environment and KDE for K desktop Environment. They have tools that allow drag and drop, have panels and taskbar- almost like clones of windows.

Hardware compatibility problem and few applications that run on Linux

Well, most new distributions will detect and configure your hardware in a jiffy, unless you have some really old or exotic piece of hardware. All hardware are properly detected and their drivers installed. Only Win modems (internal modems driven by Window drivers) face problems.

As for software, there’s plenty. And most of it comes free-free for you to use, modify and configure according to your needs. Almost all excellent software for Linux is free and you don’t lose anything by giving it a try. You get free support on the Net quickly on any query you may have. And you don’t even have to wipe out your Windows. Just get Linux on a different hard disk partition and free to switch between them as you please.

Other packages are commercial and you have to buy the software-but this is mostly for the software and training you need, and not for the software itself. Sometimes, if you have the Windows version (as a doom) you can download a small program that will allow you to play the game in Linux. The games in Linux are of very high quality and features. You’ll enjoy them. Here what’s available?

Office suites: Star Office, Open Office, Applixware, Corel WordPerfect

Graphics: GIMP, Corel Photo paint

Music: XMMS, Free amp, Real Player

Video: MTV, Xine

Games: FreeCiv, Tux racer, Doom, Quake, Heretic, Unreal And the list is growing.

Linux varieties for Home Users:

If there are so many people working on it. There’s likely to be many Linux versions too. Many companies working on Linux have come up with what are called Linux distributions. There are Linux versions that are compiled and packaged and released with additional software.

RedHat: Probably the most popular and in many ways the leading version. The installation and configuration is easy. A blue curve file manager and the default GNOME desktop make it look simply stunning. It comes with a host of tools that allow usage as a server and as a workstation. The Red Hat Package Manger(RPM) format developed by Red Hat has almost become the defector for software distribution in Linux world. Installing new software is a breeze. It also has an advanced and easy font management system that makes fonts in X Windows look cool.

Mandrake: Mandrake Linux can be installed on a native Windows Partition using the Lin4Win tool, but this may slow the machine down. It also lets you do a traditional Linux install into its own dedicated partition. Mandrake’s configuration and software installation is painless. It follows a slightly modified RPM architecture called mdk.rpm but most Red Hat software can also be used for Mandrake. The outstanding feature in this version is the collection of window managers-eye-candy freaks will have a great time.

Novell SUSE: From Germany comes the Chameleon, SUSE. Now in its has one of the most extensive software packages compiled, and getting them installed is easy with yast (Yet another Software Tool) which gives a centralized interface from where you can pick and choose the software to be installed. Among other things, SUSE comes with some stunning 3D games that showcase Linux gamming prowess

Corel/Xandross: Corel entered the Linux market with Corel Linux a few years ago. Now it has merged into Xandross OS, which is based on Corel Linux. This is a Debian-type version, and can be installed without much fuss after resizing the Windows partition. Xandross contains Crossover office, which is a refined retail version of WINE that lets you install and run many Microsoft apps.

Windows applications in Linux

Some applications have been ported over to Linux, other run with a program called WINE (Wine is Not an Emulator). Crossover, commercially available software also lets you use your Windows programs on Linux. VMWare is another program that lets you run Windows under Linux. Now many software companies have started developing high end software for Linux.

Bottom Line:

The cool thing about Linux is that most software is free, and you can legitimately use them without worrying about piracy. If you’re worried that Linux won‘t look as pretty as windows can, all you have to do is check out some of the cool Linux interfaces and Window managers. But you don’t find a lot of multimedia titles for Linux. And if you’re into a lot of these, Windows is in the way to go. So if you have a PC that runs both, you can easily switch between the two, and get the best of both worlds.

About The Author Pawan Bangar, Technical Director, Birbals, India.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Install Modem

Computer Peripherals : How to Install an Internal Modem (more from : expertvillage)

modems ~ how to install and configure a modem

written by: alan stark

Modem attributes There are several attributes of a modem that will effect its installation and configuration: whether the modem is internal or external, the available resources on the computer, and the speed of the modem. The most prominent of these is the speed of the modem. Speed is measured in bits per second (bps)—and in today’s world, the more bps the merrier. Realistically, as far as analog modems are concerned, dial-up connection speed begins promptly at 56K, or 56,000bps.

Installing a modem

Installing a modem is not difficult work. As most computers today ship with a modem installed already, you’re likely to find yourself replacing modems more often than installing them from scratch.

STEP BY STEP: Installing a Modem

  • 1. Power off the computer and disconnect all cords from the PC. Open the case of the computer according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  • 2. If you are replacing a modem, remove the old modem from its bus. If you’re adding a new modem, confirm that the modem you’re about to add has an available bus on the motherboard.
  • 3. If necessary, remove the plate that allows access to the modem on the back of the PC. Insert the new modem into the appropriate slot. The card should fit snugly and firmly with a satisfying snap.
  • 4. Screw the modem into place and replace the case’s cover and all of the cords.
  • 5. Most modems have two “jacks” or receptacles. The first jack connects to the telephone line. The second jack connects to a telephone, caller-ID station, or fax machine. The modem can route the call to the appropriate device if the call is not meant for it. Connect the modem directly to the incoming phone line and then connect the phone to the modem’s second phone port. Modems accept RJ-11 connectors, the transceiver on the end of a standard phone line.

Configuring a modem

Windows 9x and Windows 2000 both use Plug-and-Play to detect and install modems. In some instances, the modem may not be detected properly through Plug-and-Play. You can use either the Device Manager in the System or Modems applets in the Windows Control Panel to confirm that your modem has been detected and installed properly. If you find that your modem has not been installed, you’ll have to add your modem manually using the Add New Hardware Wizard in the Add/Remove Hardware applet of the Control Panel.

As with most hardware, the drivers for the modem are typically included with the modem on a floppy or CD. Additionally, the manufacturer’s Web site should supply updated drivers for the device.

Change a Graphics Card

How to change a Graphics Card (more from : sparta139)

Cleaning laptop

Cleaning laptop ( more from : KreikeR )


Network topology

Diagram of different network topologies.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Network Topology)

Peer To Peer!

A peer-to-peer (or P2P) computer network is a network that relies primarily on the computing power and bandwidth of the participants in the network rather than concentrating it in a relatively low number of servers. P2P networks are typically used for connecting nodes via largely ad hoc connections. Such networks are useful for many purposes. Sharing content files (see file sharing) containing audio, video, data or anything in digital format is very common, and realtime data, such as telephony traffic, is also passed using P2P technology. 

A pure peer-to-peer network does not have the notion of clients or servers, but only equal peer nodes that simultaneously function as both "clients" and "servers" to the other nodes on the network. This model of network arrangement differs from the client-server model where communication is usually to and from a central server. A typical example for a non peer-to-peer file transfer is an FTP server where the client and server programs are quite distinct, and the clients initiate the download/uploads and the servers react to and satisfy these requests. 

The earliest peer-to-peer network in widespread use were the Usenet news servers, which communicated with one another as peers, propagating Usenet news articles over the entire Usenet network, which particularly in the earlier days of Usenet also used UUCP to extend even beyond the Internet. However, these news servers also acted as client-server when the individual users accessed the local news server to read and post articles. 

Some networks and channels, such as Napster, OpenNAP, or IRC @find, use a client-server structure for some tasks (e.g., searching) and a peer-to-peer structure for others. Networks such as Gnutella or Freenet use a peer-to-peer structure for all purposes, and are sometimes referred to as true peer-to-peer networks, although Gnutella is greatly facilitated by directory servers that inform peers of the network addresses of other peers. 

Peer-to-peer architecture embodies one of the key technical concepts of the internet, described in the first internet Request for Comments, "RFC 1, Host Software" [1] dated 7 April 1969. More recently, the concept has achieved recognition in the general public in the context of the absence of central indexing servers in architectures used for exchanging multimedia files. 

The concept of peer to peer is increasingly evolving to an expanded usage as the relational dynamic active in distributed networks, i.e. not just computer to computer, but human to human. Yochai Benkler has developed the notion of commons-based peer production to denote collaborative projects such as free software. Associated with peer production are the concept of peer governance (referring to the manner in which peer production projects are managed) and peer property (referring to the new type of licenses which recognize individual authorship but not exclusive property rights, such as the GNU General Public License and the Creative Commons License).

Article by : Ankit Talwar

What is Windows Vista?

What is Windows Vista? I have been getting this a lot lately with all of the buzz and hype on the Internet. Windows Vista is the newest PC Operating System to be launched in November 2006. The system has already been sent out to over 2 million users for beta testing and has got huge reviews! 

Windows Vista improves application quality, enables developers to create richer, easier-to-use applications, and adds comprehensive APIs for accessing connectivity infrastructure. 

1. Find and Use Information - Increasing user productivity by making it easier to find and use information. 

2. Enable Mobile Workforce - Enabling a better connected more collaborative and more secure mobile workforce. 

3. Improve Security and Compliance - Helping protect your data, secure your environment, and make it easier to achieve compliance with regulations and policies. 

4. Optimize Desktop Infrastructure - Reducing cost and complexity of deploying, managing, and supporting your company PCs. 

With the advances in Windows Vista™, Microsoft enables the Windows platform to deliver on three key essentials: 

 Helping people to be more confident by making the operating system safer, more reliable, and more responsive 
 Helping people gain clarity by removing clutter and improving organization
 Helping people connect with others easily and securely by improving network security and integration collaboration 

Windows Vista empowers developers to create software that embodies these three essentials. 

Windows Vista makes it easy to connect to information, connect to systems, and connect to customers. Using the Windows Communication Foundation Web services infrastructure, developers can create applications that communicate seamlessly across a wide range of hardware and software. Additionally, Windows Vista provides RSS support to enable developers to create experiences that aggregate information from multiple sources.

Article by : Amanda Bode

Friday, January 02, 2009

Intel Processor

Intel Quad Core Processor Released (more from : TigerDirectBlog)

Choosing an ISP

by Computertim Technologies


ISP getting slower by the day? Tech support isn't responding to your requests? It may be time to choose a new ISP.

This How-To Article is a short guide to what you should consider when choosing a new ISP.

Choosing an ISP

Be sure of what type of Internet service you need. If you're going to switch now and you want a faster connection, see if Cable or DSL Internet is available in your area.(Related Articles: High-Speed Internet Connections - Microsoft Windows 95/98Learn About Broadband Internet Connections - General Articles)

Do you need more than one E-mail account? Many ISPs now offer more than one E-mail address with their service. Check with the ISP before you sign up, if you need more E-mail addresses.

Sometimes the big ISPs like AOL and MSN are not always the best choice. Both have rated low on user-satisfaction tests at times. Try to find an ISP that serves just your region, state, or area if possible. Many people have seen fast connections and better tech support with these companies.

Before you sign up for an ISP, ask if they offer several local access numbers (if you have chosen a dial-up Internet service). It is important to have several numbers you can use in your local calling area just in case one or more is busy. (Write down these numbers and keep them in a safe place, so you can easily reference them.)

Once you sign up for your ISP, be sure to find out access numbers, E-mail server information, logins, and any special settings. Make a note of this information so you can restore it if your settings are lost.

How to Install Applications ?

Install Applications
by Computertim Technologies


Installing Applications is very easy on your Palm, compared to your typical PC.

This How-To Article explains how to install applications onto your Palm.

Install Applications

1. Navigate to the folder that has the Palm program that you would like to install.

2. Double-click the icon of the Application that you would like to install.

3. The Application you would like to install will be displayed in the list.

4. Click Done.

5. Click OK from the dialog box that appears.

6. HotSync your Palm, and the Application will be installed.

Method #2

1. Click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Palm Desktop, and select "Install Tool".

2. Click the "Add" button.

3. Navigate to the program you want to install.

4. Click the Application you would like to install, and click the "Open" button.

5. Click "Done".

6. Click "OK".

7. HotSync your Palm, and the Application will be installed.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Asus Motherboard

Asus M2N-SLI Motherboard (more from : compusatv)

LCD Monitor

Acer V223 Wbd 22" Widescreen LCD Monitor (more from : compusatv)